i read lynda barry's most recent book, what it is. it's about writing/drawing and why we stop at a certain age(see above page) as well as a variety of other wonderful topics. the book is collage and illustrations, and one page part really stuck out to me although i was unable to find it previously scanned in.
one reason she said people don't write/draw is that they don't have the time. she said, yes you do. you use the time to do many other things. even though that is a simple concept, it's extrodinarily true. and a sharply true phase telling people to get themselves together.
so anyway, i have been taking it to heart and not spending as much time on the ol' interweb, but playing songs and doing other things.
p.s. they probably have it at your local library!
i would love to see you incorporate writing and visual arts...i bet you could come up with some amazing things.
that looks so cool! I'll check it out! I also would LOVE to see what comes out of your brain if you start doodling... I think it would be awesome!
WTF sarah give us something
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