Tuesday, April 14, 2009

o.o.c. (out of control)

i can't make myself go to bed at a reasonable hour!
for the first half of the school year i went to be from 9.30 p.m. to 5.30 a.m.
recently i've been going to bed from 10 p.m. to 5.05 a.m.
since break i haven't gone to sleep before midnight (went to sleep at 3 last night for no real reason)
and haven't gotten up before 10 except for church.
i love it.
i can't stop eating sweet treats either.
here are some pictures of things i've eaten:

thank GOD that salmonella thing is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kellette said...

i have to honestly say, i am going through the same thing....just can't wake up before 9. Sweets: yes, going to sleep late: yes.
Oh Spring Break...

AB said...

I want to eat treats with you, too!!