Tuesday, June 2, 2009

a series of unsetlling events

these things just happened:
1. i have seen multiple dead animals up close recently (on bikes, walking, running) and not realized it until i was right up on them. this is always unsettling and their squished mouths are always open towards me. i don't know what this means exactly.

2. today in class my student's good time went like this, "my boyfriend got out of the hospital." and we were like, "why what happened, is he okay?" because some of the kids knew him. and she said, "no, he got stabbed multiple times. we were in bed asleep and some guy came in and
started stabbing him in the head, and back. my bf shot at him with the shotgun and missed."
other details include the fact that the stabbing boy's mom drove him to the shooting boy's (a.k.a. my student's bf) house, the stabbing boy threw a swing at my student, and she got hand-
cuffed because she said she was going to kill the stabbing boy.

3. i've been trying to cook chocolate chip brownies for an hour. highlights include me spilling sugar all over the floor my roomate had just cleaned and the stove, someone using the last of the brown sugar on the sneak, me forgetting to put in the eggs and finding an emergency back up plan on the internet, and eating the remnants of the saved recipe til i feel a little sick.

i feel like i'm having some liz lemon moments. or a just having a liz lemon having a cathy moment.


Truly said...


Ruthie said...


Man, sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Listen, I am going to school to become a counselor if you ever need to talk about stuff. Only I have only learned to nod and say "hm... sounds like you have a lot on your plate." Let me know if your interested!