Sunday, August 9, 2009

black spot and the bubonic plague

my tomatoes which i have grown from mere sprouts have contracted a case of the black spot (a.k.a. blossom end rot). apparently this comes from a lack of calcium problem or irregular watering patterns which are both possible. 4 of the 6 plants seem to have it and i was (for real talk legit sad) for half a day about this. i think i had help nurse them back to life with lime, but at least the cherry tomatoes are okay so far.

in other diseased news, i heard on the radio that there was an outbreak of bubonic plague in china. turns out it was actual pneumonic plague, which is related to the bubonic but spread through the air not by flea bits. both sound equally wretched but the black death is a way cooler name for a metal band.


Templeton said...

It is sad seeing plants get sick and not bare fruit. I guess that's part of being a farmer though. Hopefully some of your plants pull through.

Anonymous said...

[... ] is another relavant source of tips on this issue[...]