Wednesday, August 19, 2009

my hero

lotsa funny (like alternate universe) things happened today. i called to report that our trashcan had been destroyed by the waste management dudes, and either the woman was high as crap or there were other people giggling in the room, because that lady just laughed hysterically the entire 4 min. real talk: the whole 3 min. conversation, i maybe said 50 words and waited for her to get her breath back. whatever dude, whatever!

the coolest thing though, was when i was washing the soap out of my neice's hair, and i told her about when i was a scardy little kid and my mom had to sing the count's "batty bat" song to get me to put my head under the water (see below). she said, "i'm sorry you were scared, aunt sarie. i will protect you." so good man. love her. madd shout outs to my homie kitty! ride or die 4 lyfe! madd shout outs to the count too, for without his song and my mom's urgings to look for fake bats on the bathroom ciling, i might have a crusty head to this day!


Kellette said...

I love that story, reminds me of my own fears of going under the water!

Beth said...

I really miss you. Let's get coffee before school starts.