Sunday, February 28, 2010

s.o.l. v.i.p. roll call!

in honor of the writing s.o.l. this week (plz. send prayers) here are some of the most amazing sections of s.o.l. practice prompt responses.

In response to, "What's the best invention ever?"

If Henry Ford never created the assembly line and the automobile, the Wright Brorthers might have not though about the airplane or the bike. To think if we had no airplanes; how would we travel from each continent? Humans would have to ride whales from each continent. That would be very bizzare and prehistoric. Think about it in the year 2010, were all riding Killer Whales, and Blue Whales to get from New York, NY to Paris, France.

In response to, "If you could talk to anyone, with whom would you speak and why"

Another good reason why you should feel comforable to talk to someone, that's close with you is. Because you can't always keep everything bottled up in your heart. That's the main way that people start to lose hair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg amazing